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Membership Requirements

We invite you to participate in the New Evangelization by becoming a member of the Marian Catechist Apostolate. Membership is open to adult Catholic lay people (whether single, married or widowed) who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. In addition, members must be practicing Catholics in good standing with the Church who are:

  • Firm believers in the Catholic Faith, as expressed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church;
  • Strongly motivated to share with others the truths of the Faith;
  • Sufficiently free to devote some time each week to working in the apostolate of catechesis;
  • Willing to follow the directives given for the cooperative efforts of members of the Marian Catechist Apostolate.

The Episcopal Moderator has the authority to deny or revoke the membership of any Marian Catechist who is not in accord with the purpose and objectives of this Public Association of the Faithful.

Forms of Membership

The formation of most members of the Marian Catechist Apostolate culminates in one’s Solemn Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Consecration bestows particular graces on the Marian Catechist, graces that assist him or her in teaching the Faith.

Consecrated Marian Catechists may be either active and contemplative. Those engaged in the active apostolate need the prayers and sacrifices of the contemplative members, and vice versa. Without the active apostolate, the Marian Catechist Apostolate would lack the scope and purpose for its existence. Without prayer and sacrifice, it would lack the supernatural means and resources to reach the souls of those who are being catechized.

  • Active Marian Catechists are engaged in catechetical work, or are preparing to be so engaged in it. For example, some are Parish Directors of Religious Education, some help with RCIA, and some lead Bible Studies, while the focus of attention for others is the conversion of their own family, friends and coworkers. They complete all the necessary doctrinal and spiritual requirements in order to make their Solemn Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
  • Contemplative Marian Catechists also complete all the necessary doctrinal and spiritual requirements in order to make their Solemn Consecration. They offer their prayers, sacrifices, sufferings and self-surrender to God’s will for the extension of the Kingdom of God on earth, most specifically for the fruitfulness of the work of active members of the Apostolate. Contemplative members are often homebound or have health limitations that impede active catechesis.


While most people join the Apostolate in order eventually to become Consecrated Marian Catechists, many also join as Associates. Associate members are faithful Catholics who desire to participate in the work of the Apostolate, but because of time or other constraints, are unable to complete the courses or fulfill the spiritual obligations of the Consecrated Marian Catechist. These dedicated men and women follow the spiritual practices to the degree they are able. We welcome their help, which takes the form of prayers for the Apostolate, practical assistance or financial support, to whatever degree possible.

To join the Marian Catechist Apostolate, simply fill out the membership application (see Annual Membership Application in the left-hand sidebar) and return it to the International Office of the Apostolate, along with your annual fee. If you have further questions, please visit our web site (