The heart of the Marian Catechist Apostolate is to fulfill Christ’s directive to proclaim the Gospel to all nations, so that in knowing God, all might love Him; that in loving Him, all might serve Him; that in serving Him, all souls might be saved. The purpose of the Marian Catechist Apostolate is:
To cultivate love of the Holy Eucharist, devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and unswerving loyalty to the Holy Father and the Magisterium (the teaching authority) of the Catholic Church.
To prepare members to share the gift of Christ’s truth and love, as found in its fullness in the teachings and practice of the Catholic Church, through the Apostolate of Catechesis.
Do whatever He tells you!
John 2:5
Do the first steps below…
First Steps
If you are interested in pursuing membership, we suggest you begin by reading Cardinal Burke’s essay, Re-Christianize America, which explains Father Hardon’s vision for the Apostolate.
Next, you may want to look at the following articles:
Father John Anthony Hardon, S.J., Master Catechist
For Father Hardon, the work which God had given him was to be carried out with every ounce of his energy and at every moment of his life.
Saint Mother Teresa and Father Hardon’s Courses
Father Hardon had been teaching the Missionaries of Charity since the beginning of his association with Mother Teresa, and the teaching trip to the motherhouse in Calcutta had been a yearly event.
The Holy Rosary, School of the Marian Catechist Apostolate
With our Holy Father, our beloved founder, Father John A. Hardon, S.J., understood that, if our world is to be saved, which is indeed the mission of the Church, the faith must be taught and lived with the enthusiasm and the energy of the first Christians.
If you sense that the Holy Spirit might be calling you to become a Marian Catechist, please read about the doctrinal and spiritual formation of Marian Catechists.